My Motivation to Create the Healthiest Cookie Ever…that I could think of

Last week, my sister and I entered into a bet of sorts to achieve our goal weight by a certain date. The deal is that if she achieves her goal weight, I pay for her pedicure and if I achieve mine, she pays for my pedicure. If we both win, we just both get a pedi and all is well in the world (or at the very least, with our feet). A couple of years ago (pre-baby metabolism years), I had lost about 30 lbs. on the Atkins Diet along with daily exercise. It had seemed so easy all those years ago that I thought I would try it again. Welp, turns out this body has rejected the idea of consuming nothing but eggs, chicken, tuna fish and romaine lettuce for the next two weeks and so after about 4 painstaking days  (and a pleasant 5 lbs. lost)…I completely unraveled all of my hard work by eating about a dozen whole wheat peanut butter cookies that I swore would be for the kids only and had convinced myself that having them in the house would be “no big deal”. It all happened so fast. I had come home from volunteering in my first-graders classroom and grocery shopping (where the first signs of trouble hit as I wiped drool off my chin in the bakery department). I chatted with my mother-in-law and then bid her farewell, made the kids lunch (which consisted of organic spaghettios that have absolutely no effect on my palette), put the kids down for a nap and then was left to my own lunch of canned chicken. As I cleaned up the kitchen, I passed the cookie jar filled with the forbidden treats. I swear I could hear a whisper coming from the cookie jar….”eat me….eat me”. Who was I to deny the demands of cookies? Next thing I know, I am sitting on the floor with an empty glass of milk, a cookie jar half empty (or perhaps half full according to you optimists out there) and crumbs across the front of my shirt. Oh, the horror! “What have I done?” I asked myself. In reply to my own question, I shrugged my shoulders and ate another dozen cookies. Which leads me to today. I have decided to take a new approach. Not new in the sense that it’s never been done because, in fact, every right-minded person would do it…I decided to just eat healthy foods and eat in moderation. Duh. However, just in case the cookie jar talks to me again, I wanted to make sure it won’t do as much damage. After a couple of modifications, I made a cookie that is healthy AND edible. Hope you enjoy!

Healthiest Cookie Ever (that Joan Could Think Of)

Ingredients: (whenever possible, I use organic or natural ingredients)

1/4 cup butter, softened

1/4 cup applesauce (I used Mott’s Original)

1/2 cup creamy peanut butter

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 egg

1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract

1/4 tsp salt

1/2 tsp baking soda

1 1/4 cup rolled oats

1/2 cup whole wheat flour

2 scoops of protein powder

1 Tbs Flax Seed

Combine butter, apple sauce, peanut butter, sugar, egg and vanilla in a large bowl. Mix until fluffy. In a separate bowl add the remaining ingredients. Drop by the tablespoonful onto an ungreased cookie sheet. Use a fork to flatten them down. Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes.

Makes approximately 3 dozen cookies, which you still probably shouldn’t eat all in one sitting (more of a note to myself).

Of course, I had to make this kid friendly, so I adapted the task for Jagger (3 years old) by measuring the ingredients for him, placing them in front of him and having him figure out what was what by giving him clues, i.e. brown sugar is brown and grainy, the applesauce is yellowish and wet. Jorja (6 years) was able to measure independently and all I had to do for her was teach her how to find the correct measurement, i.e. “the 1/4 cup will have a one over the four”. Jemma (1 year) was just along for the ride and it was basically sensory time with her as I let her play with little bits of the ingredients (um…except the raw egg). Jake was at hockey, but he didn’t mind helping by eating.


Our Thanksgiving Homeschool Projects

Jagger, Jemma and I have been enjoying prepping for the holidays. I must say, Halloween was a blast but I just didn’t have a chance to blog about it. You would think Thanksgiving would be busier with all of the cooking I have to do in the next week, but we did some fun activities that I couldn’t resist sharing.

Our Thanksgiving Countdown

This activity helps with counting, handwriting and hand strength. I came up with it because I have been working with Jagger on improving his pencil grasp.


By placing the turkey on a vertical surface, I can improve his wrist extension and shoulder stability.


Next, Jagger uses small colorful clothespins to pinch the corresponding number of “feathers” to the turkey. This works on his pinch strength, number skills and reinforces his knowledge of colors. When we had more clothespins, we were able to make patterns with the colors (also a math skill).


I put Jagger’s Dannonino addiction to good use by making this turkey project. Not only does it work on physical development (hand-eye, fine motor) but also counting and math skills.

I found 10 empty Dannonino cups, painted the turkeys on them and then poked holes in the cups for the feathers to go into. Each cup has a different amount of holes. I had Jagger count each feather. When they were all done we added different turkeys together to see how many feathers they had in all.

Even Jemma was able to participate in this activity. She needed a little bit of help to stabilize the cups. When she got bored trying, she used them as stacking cups. A good 15 minutes of exploratory fun!


I hadn’t read “I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Pie” since putting together the following activity for a preschool class I supported as an occupational therapist. Luckily, I found my “Old Lady” the other day as I was cleaning in the basement. She is so much fun. The kids loved stuffing her face! It is a great activity for Jemma (1 year) because it helps her identify new words. She had to find the food object to put it in the cut out. It’s also great for visual perception because some of the food pieces need to be put in just right to fit in the opening.

What was good for my goose did not work for my gander.

September 27, 2011

We are still on the right track with Jorja’s after school yoga program. She had another great day following the deep breathing, yoga, positive intentions, etc…Jake, on the other hand, showed little positive response to the program today. It’s a good thing individualized instruction is encouraged in my household because what that boy needed was a good wrestle!! I sent him outside and beat the crap out of him…not in the child-abuse kind of way, but the Hulk Hogan vs. Macho Man Randy Savage kind of way (boy, did I age myself just now!). Whatever you want to call it, it worked!! And shortly after each kid got their sensory needs met, they talked me into playing “Annie” with them. As if I didn’t get enough of that darn musical last week…now I have to relive it at home, too! Jorja wanted to play Annie, Jake had several roles including the Dog Catcher, Police Officer, Drake and of course, Warbucks. I had to be pretty much everyone else in the play. It makes me so happy that they are interested in something that I enjoy. And I will admit, I giggle every time Jorja calls me “Mrs. Pugh” while I am passing out meals : )

On another note, today was the first day that Jagger and Jemma were watched by people other than family for longer than an hour. It did not go well for them at all despite the positive reports from staff. I served as a “paraprofessional” of sorts for a little boy at the school for two hours, then as OT for a 1/2 hours session and approximately 2 minutes after I dropped Jagger off in the “Terrific Two’s” classroom, I heard that heart-breaking cry. And there was nothing I could do. I convinced myself it will be good for him because it will be just like those play groups I used to sign us up for…but this time, minus me : ( And it’s only for 2 1/2 hours, twice a week. I wish there was another way, but the alternative is home care in the evenings and/or Friday…so, do I keep a job where I love what I do, but the kids have to be away from me for that time or do I go back to a job that’s just “eh”, but then the kids can stay with family and feel more relaxed? I invite any feedback on this topic, please!

Project Yoga Mommy

September 26, 2011

Ever since the start of Kindergarten, Jorja has turned into what might best be described as is a Tazmanian Devil with Bipolar Disorder…yet, only on school days and usually immediately following the hug I receive after she gets of the bus in the afternoon. Her behaviors include taunting her little brother, harassing her big brother, saying “NO” emphatically and with attitude to simple requests like “put your book-bag where it belongs”. Then, God forbid you put her in time out! That’s when the party would begin (and when I say party, I mean more like the hangover you get AFTER the party on your 21st birthday). We have had ear-piercing, glass shattering screams that might have made the neighbors thing I was making her walk across h0t coals as after-school entertainment. There were a couple of times where she physically lashed out at me in the midst of one of her out-of-body experiences where her brain shuts down and her body lurches and flings like the girl from the Exorcist (and trust me, at one point I did actually consider an exorcism). The unfortunate part of this whole situation was that I was so involved with my new job and having play practice 3 times/week and recently every day, that I didn’t have time to come up with a solution…until today!!

The minute Jake and Jorja got off the bus, they received enormous bear hugs (the first step in reducing her overstimulated little body was an emotional connection combined with proprioceptive input that has a calming effect on the nervous system…in case you were wondering). Then, immediately after removing her backpack, I sent her downstairs where I kept the lights low, and we began our “chill-out” routine. First, I had her pick some sounds she found soothing from one of my relaxation apps. After the sounds started playing, we set our intentions for the evening. I started with “I will be very patient with all of my children for the rest of the evening!”. Jorja’s was “I will be nice to my mom and then I will clean the whole basement”–well, it was a start : ) Then, we started with deep-breathing and followed with the kid-friendly version of progressive-muscle-relaxation. Next, I led her through a routine of yoga with poses that provide lots of deep-pressure for calming (down-ward dog, cat/cow, fish, table and plank). We ended with “peace be with you” (because “Namaste” would have been a little too hard to explain to a 5 year old!) and then another big hug.

Results of the evening: absolutely NO “meltdowns”, Jorja followed ALL directions without a single resistance, she initiated helping with her younger siblings (helping Jagger with his dinner while I fed Jemma, changing Jemma’s diaper while I helped Jagger use the toilet, getting Jagger’s PJ’s on while I did Jemma’s–notice that Jagger and Jemma’s needs seem to occur simultaneously). The night ended fabulously with her going to bed with a smile on her face vs. the usual getting sent to bed before I lose my mind!

Of course, this is just the first day…and of course, I have to keep this routine consistent or it will NEVER work. But regardless, I’m excited about the results I got today and hope for continued success. Wish me luck!

I got a message for yoooooooooooooooo

June 16, 2011

We are making the most of our rainy day.  That is, if making the most of a day includes getting dressed late, watching lots of Cat in the Hat on PBS and talking about our fantasy road trip.  We have been talking a lot about just getting in the car and driving Route 66 until we get to Arizona.  Don’t ask me why I have been so obsessed with Arizona.  It all started when I got so sick while being pregnant with Jemma.  I believe it was during one of the “chill” stages of my fever when I really wished I could be in the hot sun without any humidity or rain or clouds.  I haven’t been able to stop thinking about Arizona ever since and I thought I could replace my desire for dry heat with an infrared sauna, but it just hasn’t happened.  While sitting at the kitchen table this morning, Jake and Jorja started talking about Arizona and the animals they might see there.  Jake said “there are scorpions there that can kill you, but I don’t care, I’ll have fun anyway!”.  I almost fell out of my chair.  What an optimist he is turning out to be!!

Oh great! How do explain to your two-year old that it is not ok to throw his socks in the garbage?  Jorja mentioned that her sock had a hole in it so I told her to throw them in the garbage right away. Of course everything Jorja does, Jagger has to do, so while I wasn’t paying attention, Jagger threw his perfectly good socks away. Then he comes prancing over to me, ever so proudly, declaring “I frow socks in gardage!” (that’s exactly how he pronounced it!).  When I tried to explain that his socks are just fine and dug them back out, he threw himself to the floor crying “NO, sock in gardage…now, mommy do it!”.  I am sorry Jagger, but my socks are just fine! Luckily, Jorja was able to distract him with his favorite rendition of the Oompa Loompa song from “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” that is supposed to go “Oompa Loompa doompadee doo I’ve got another puzzle for you Oompa Loompa doompadah dee
If you are wise you’ll listen to me”.  Jagger’s version goes something like this “dupa, dupa dupa dee do, I got meshsage foh yooooooooo” (obvious emphasis on the “you”).

The time of our lives!

June 15, 2011

It started off as the perfect day for taking the kids to the park…sun was shining, everyone was behaving, Jemma slept 5 hours in a row again last night…what could go wrong? Oh, let me tell you!  By the time we got to the park is when I realized “oh, crap I have four kids and one of them is only  6 weeks old!”.  But, I persisted…I had Jemma in the jogging stroller, which was perfect because I literally had to run around to keep up with Jagger!  Jake and Jorja, luckily, very independent and I didn’t have to worry about them.  In fact, all was going well until it was time to eat our Little Caesar’s picnic lunch.  That’s when the wind picked up.  We had paper plates flying all over the place, pizza sauce on faces, clothes, hair and get this…I later found some in Jagger’s belly button!  Of course, that’s about the time that Jemma decides she is no longer happy and apparently forgot about the five hours she slept and started wailing! I picked her up, realizing I didn’t have the Baby Bjorn or the wrap with me.  Still, I persisted…managing the kids’ lunch with one hand and carrying her on the other arm. Finally, lunch was over…Jake and Jorja went back on their merry ways, but Jagger decides he wants to go down the fireman’s pole that is about 15 feet above the ground!  So, Jemma goes back in the stroller and is hollering while Jagger is screaming “I DO IT” when I try to get him down.  Deep breath, count to five (usually it’s 10, but there is no time!).  Ok, I finally convince Jagger to move away from the pole and I get him to go over to the toddler sized playscape. Pick up Jemma who will not stop crying…at this point, I give the 5 minute warning that it’s time to go home!  Five minutes later, Jemma has stopped crying, but I had the kids wrangled together so we leave anyway.  When I apologize to Jake, Jorja and Jagger about the short time at the park, Jake says “it’s ok mom, I still had the time of my life”.  And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why people like me chose to stay at home with their kids!

Prayers please

June 12, 2010

This blog started out due to my desire to use the power of attraction to my benefit, but now I need it for another reason.  A very dear family member of mine is extremely sick and I need everyone’s help.  I have read several studies about prayer and healing and I am convinced in the power of concentrated thoughts to change situations.  In one study, the test group consisted of individuals in a hospital with various illnesses with people that were asked to pray for them (unbeknownst to the patient’s, their families, friends or doctors). The control group received no additional prayer from strangers and the prayer from families, friends or doctors were not controlled and neither group knew what was going on.  Ultimately, the patient’s who received the extra prayer from strangers were healthier than those who did not.  My point for this story is to request the help of anyone reading this blog right now.  To protect the privacy of my family member, I will not state names.  In fact, even in the studies, the people praying didn’t even know the names of the people they were praying for.  If you are reading this, PLEASE say a prayer for my family member.  Just pray for this person’s well-being or peace or just send positive thoughts.  Ask God, or whoever you pray to for help for my family member. This person has a kind soul and is loved by so many, but even as these studies show, every extra bit helps.  I thank you so much for your support and send much love to all who are helping. May God bless you!

Fire Truck Parade

May 29, 2011

Despite the weird housing market in my neighborhood with people moving in and out, we have been fortunate to have some pretty cool neighbors.  Our next door neighbors invited us to a fire truck parade and festival in Rochester today.  They rebuild fire trucks and participate in events where they can show the fruit of their labor. We accepted their invitation because I knew for sure the boys would be excited about riding in a fire truck AND being in a parade. Jorja and I just went along for the ride!  We all had a great time and can’t wait for the next event in Frankenmuth.  I will let everyone know the exact date and I encourage anyone with children to attend, especially since my neighbors said that the Frankenmuth show will be even better than Rochester!

Jake, Jorja and Jagger hang out inside the fire truck.

Jagger got to ring the bell on an old fire truck with the help of a retired fire fighter

Jake gets a special spot to sit in during the parade.

The kids were pooped when we got home.  We had planned on seeing a free “Strength Team” show in Lapeer in the evening, but the kids were nervous about going out in the storm, so we hung out at home.  I love those times when we can just sit around and relax without having to plan anything or run around.

These are the kind of moments I cherish the most!

After dinner, I had a surprise for the kids.  You know how every kid is alway curious about what beer tastes like and wants to try some?  I know my mom always let me have some of the foam, but I decided to give the kids more than they bargained for!  Earlier, I bought some cream soda that was in brown bottles and collaborated with Jamie to play a great prank on my little rugrats.  Jamie had his beer for the evening and, of course, the kids noticed.  So, I gathered them together and told them I had a surprise for them.  I brought out the cream soda and told them they had my permission to drink as much beer as they wanted!  Ok, I DEFINITELY do not sound like any kind of supermommy right now, but when you have four kids, you have to find your own way to have fun! And, anyone who knows me well knows that this kind of stunt is right up my alley! Jake was the first to respond with an emphatic “NOOOOOO!!”.  Jorja just kept looking at me like “at what point will she say she is kidding” (she knows her mommy pretty well!). And Jagger…well, he just grabbed the bottle and slammed it! (why am I not surprised). Once Jagger paved the way, Jorja did not hesitate to gulp hers, but Jake firmly denied the offer to drink the “beer”. Eventually, he figured out the trick and drank it.  I made sure to tell Jorja and Jagger that this is definitely NOT what beer tastes like and we reviewed the legal drinking age!

This was their initial reaction to being offered "beer".


Jake and Jorja giggle nervously as their little brother chugs the "beer"


At this point, they all know it's cream's STILL funny to watch them drink what looks like beer!


Jagger drinks Jorja under the table!


Jemma's reaction when we told her that her siblings were drinking beer!

Gettin’ my garden on.

May 28, 2011

Today, Jamie offered to give me a “mommy’s day out” given that I’ve been cooped up with four little monsters…um, I meant to say precious darlings : ) I took the opportunity to go to the spa, get my hair done, went clubbing with the girls, got an online degree in Italian and started my own ice cream shoppe in town.  Or, maybe I’m just kidding and I really spent my one day off to go to the new Menard’s in Davison, bought garden supplies, went grocery shopping at the exotic Meijer in Lapeer and then came home to clean out the fridge and then outside to work on the front yard!  So the latter is not as exciting to most people, but when your goal is to be a full-time stay-at-home mom and super wife, prancing around in mulch that smells like cow dung can be quite refreshing! It really felt good to get my hands dirty and do things with my body that I haven’t been able to do for the last 10 months. Sadly, it’s taken six years of us living here to finally get our front yard looking decent.  I suppose having the neighbors across the street build a pond with a fountain in their front yard within their first year living here kind of lit the fire under our hostas!!

“Before” Photos of the Front:

“After” Photo of the Front:

Just a lazy day.

May 27, 2011

So, I am pretty sure that one of the chapters in the mommy handbook says we all deserve a lazy day. I chose today!  It wasn’t dry enough to send the kids outside, and too gloomy to organize a project of the day. So, I did what actually turned out to be one of the funnest things ever…I just hung out with the kids.  I watched them play and tried to involve them in the mundane things in my life.


Jorja picked out Jemma's outfit and helped me get her dressed.


Jake and Jagger played Legos together.


Jake feeds Jemma while I get afternoon snack ready.


Around lunchtime, we decided to call Grandma Marcie to ask if her refrigerator was running (kidding).  We actually called to setup a play date for 2 pm with Grandma, the kids and me!  Right after getting off the phone with her, I heard Jagger opening the front door. When I asked what he was doing he replied “Grandma Ma-cee coming”. Poor guy didn’t get that she wouldn’t be here for another 2 hours, but that didn’t stop him from waiting for her like a little puppy dog. Grandma Marcie, this little boy sure does love you!!

Jagger waits patiently for his Grandma Marcie.



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