What was good for my goose did not work for my gander.

September 27, 2011

We are still on the right track with Jorja’s after school yoga program. She had another great day following the deep breathing, yoga, positive intentions, etc…Jake, on the other hand, showed little positive response to the program today. It’s a good thing individualized instruction is encouraged in my household because what that boy needed was a good wrestle!! I sent him outside and beat the crap out of him…not in the child-abuse kind of way, but the Hulk Hogan vs. Macho Man Randy Savage kind of way (boy, did I age myself just now!). Whatever you want to call it, it worked!! And shortly after each kid got their sensory needs met, they talked me into playing “Annie” with them. As if I didn’t get enough of that darn musical last week…now I have to relive it at home, too! Jorja wanted to play Annie, Jake had several roles including the Dog Catcher, Police Officer, Drake and of course, Warbucks. I had to be pretty much everyone else in the play. It makes me so happy that they are interested in something that I enjoy. And I will admit, I giggle every time Jorja calls me “Mrs. Pugh” while I am passing out meals : )

On another note, today was the first day that Jagger and Jemma were watched by people other than family for longer than an hour. It did not go well for them at all despite the positive reports from staff. I served as a “paraprofessional” of sorts for a little boy at the school for two hours, then as OT for a 1/2 hours session and approximately 2 minutes after I dropped Jagger off in the “Terrific Two’s” classroom, I heard that heart-breaking cry. And there was nothing I could do. I convinced myself it will be good for him because it will be just like those play groups I used to sign us up for…but this time, minus me : ( And it’s only for 2 1/2 hours, twice a week. I wish there was another way, but the alternative is home care in the evenings and/or Friday…so, do I keep a job where I love what I do, but the kids have to be away from me for that time or do I go back to a job that’s just “eh”, but then the kids can stay with family and feel more relaxed? I invite any feedback on this topic, please!

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