The time of our lives!

June 15, 2011

It started off as the perfect day for taking the kids to the park…sun was shining, everyone was behaving, Jemma slept 5 hours in a row again last night…what could go wrong? Oh, let me tell you!  By the time we got to the park is when I realized “oh, crap I have four kids and one of them is only  6 weeks old!”.  But, I persisted…I had Jemma in the jogging stroller, which was perfect because I literally had to run around to keep up with Jagger!  Jake and Jorja, luckily, very independent and I didn’t have to worry about them.  In fact, all was going well until it was time to eat our Little Caesar’s picnic lunch.  That’s when the wind picked up.  We had paper plates flying all over the place, pizza sauce on faces, clothes, hair and get this…I later found some in Jagger’s belly button!  Of course, that’s about the time that Jemma decides she is no longer happy and apparently forgot about the five hours she slept and started wailing! I picked her up, realizing I didn’t have the Baby Bjorn or the wrap with me.  Still, I persisted…managing the kids’ lunch with one hand and carrying her on the other arm. Finally, lunch was over…Jake and Jorja went back on their merry ways, but Jagger decides he wants to go down the fireman’s pole that is about 15 feet above the ground!  So, Jemma goes back in the stroller and is hollering while Jagger is screaming “I DO IT” when I try to get him down.  Deep breath, count to five (usually it’s 10, but there is no time!).  Ok, I finally convince Jagger to move away from the pole and I get him to go over to the toddler sized playscape. Pick up Jemma who will not stop crying…at this point, I give the 5 minute warning that it’s time to go home!  Five minutes later, Jemma has stopped crying, but I had the kids wrangled together so we leave anyway.  When I apologize to Jake, Jorja and Jagger about the short time at the park, Jake says “it’s ok mom, I still had the time of my life”.  And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why people like me chose to stay at home with their kids!

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