Custard–enough said!

May 22, 2011

Had a lovely time visiting Culver’s for our 7th anniversary dinner!  The custard there is phenomenal (more addictive than McDonald’s Caramel Frappe’s).  Thank goodness there is not a Culver’s within 15 minutes of us or this baby weight would never come off…in fact, it would turn into toddler weight and then preschooler weight until I had the weight of four teenagers on my body and then I would have to go on “The Biggest Loser”.  And I just don’t have time for that.  At least not with my mother and Babcia lighting the fire for me to finally get that church wedding that THEY have always dreamed of me having with Jamie.  I have three more years to look like I did when Jamie and I got married in Las Vegas.  Geez, I guess that means that Jemma really is our last little nugget!

Papa Kimber (who had the custard on his way home from classes and now is hooked!)

Mama Kimber (who gained 10 lbs. just by looking at the custard)

Jake (who finished his custard in one fell swoop)

Jorja (who fell into a custard coma after the first bite)

Jagger (whose fell prey to the custard and ate an actual piece of chicken just to get his own cup)

Jemma (who slept through the whole thing but whose poop sometimes resembles custard)

The way we were (pre-custard)

And I thought THREE was a crowd…

MAY 20, 2010

Whew!  It’s amazing what having one more kid home will do for the mix.  Jake doesn’t have Kindergarten on Friday’s and this is the first Friday since I have been home that I had all four kids all by myself.  The day actually started off too good to be true.  Jemma slept five hours straight through the night, I woke up feeling refreshed, each kid ate breakfast without a single complaint, Jake and Jorja finished their morning routine independently and Jagger woke up as happy as a kitten with a freshly scooped box of litter. And then it happened…Jagger needed to pee right in the middle of Jemma’s feeding, and then while I was getting Jagger to the bathroom, Jake decided to shake Jorja, who started to cry, which startled Jagger, who peed all over the floor, then I freaked out at Jake, which made Jemma cry.  At one point, I don’t think there was a single calm individual in this house.  But as quickly as all the drama started, it stopped.  Jemma calmed down when I came back with her bottle, Jagger and his empty bladder snuggled up next to me (thumb in mouth, my shirt in the other hand), Jorja found a Barbie she had been looking for and I let Jake play some Nintendo DS.  And mommy took the deepest breath of her life.  We had a couple more rough spots during Project of the Day, but it was nothing that a stern look or binkie couldn’t handle and we all ended up having great fun!


Today, we made our own play dough.  I found a great recipe on this website:

Traditional PlayDough Recipe

2 cups of baking soda
1 and a half cups of water
1 cup of corn starch

Mix with a fork until the mixture is smooth and boil until thick. Takes about 4 minutes.

Jagger is becoming a pro at pouring things!

Immediately after this picture was taken, Jorja decided it would be fun to lick the baking soda. Still oral sensory seeking, eh Jorja?

Jake stirring up something OTHER than Jorja's temper!!

Meanwhile, Jemma’s adventure consisted of being snuggled in tight to mommy with a home-made wrap.

The kids told me the cooked play dough looked like mashed potatoes, so we added some food coloring to each of their sections.

Trading project of the day for breast milk

MAY 19, 2011

Funny how three hours for a doctor’s appointment can totally mess up a day.  I had to go to my 2 week check to make sure my c-section incision is healing (which it is…I didn’t need a doctor to reassure me).  The whole process of getting there, getting checked out and getting home took only three hours, but by the time we got home it was time for naps (not that I’m complaining about naps), then cleaning up the house, dinner and then Jake’s T-ball.  Not much time for fun, crafty things with the kids, but I’m happy to report that I was able to find time to pump out 3 ounces of breast milk!  I really wonder how much good I’m doing Jemma considering I drink about two pots of coffee a day, which I have to do because I’m getting up to feed her about 3 times a night.  Would that be considered irony?  Funny, I’m 31 years old and still don’t know the accurate use of the word “irony”.

Anyway, in today’s post, I want to celebrate my children’s talents and I want them to know how proud I am of them.


Jake did an amazing job in T-ball today.  He was pretty much the only kid on his team that followed directions–with the exception of some moves that resembled a six-year old’s attempts to breakdance…on the field…in a mud puddle…while a ball whizzed right by him–ok, so I never said he was perfect at T-ball!

You can't tell me this isn't a Tiger!

Hmm, the next Justin Verlander perhaps?

HOME RUN!!! (not really, he was just the last batter so he got to run all the bases!)


Jorja is officially part fish (part Polack, part pollock–man, where do I come up with these?!).  She has moves in the pool that I don’t think Michael Phelps could compete with.  The girl has no fear or inhibitions as proven by her ability to jump off the highest diving board without hesitation.

It's the Polish Pollock (personally, I STILL think it's funny)

Jorja learns to dive!



He is my real-life mamma’s boy!!  My little Jagger will snuggle with me, dance and sing with me, wear makeup with me (just kidding about the makeup part–Jamie would divorce me if it ever got to that!).  But really, he is the most helpful and selfless of all the kids (sorry Jemma, but the spitting up all over the place and pooping at 3 in the morning–not very helpful).  Jagger actually gets excited when it’s time to help set up for snack or meals.  And he is so smart!  I have him count out the snacks for each kid.  My two year-old can count to 10!

"One, twooooo, free!" (he must get his pronunciation of the word "three" from my side of the family)


I’m so proud of Jemma for NOT crying during her first actual bath in a tub!  In fact, she seemed to really enjoy it.  I am also impressed with her calmness while surrounded by the commotion of three other children (and their mother).

Rub-a-dub-dub, baby Jemma in the tub!

Rain, Rain Go Away

May 18, 2011

It’s kind of hard to be super when the weather is rainy and dreary, but I did my best.  Luckily, I re-implemented the visual schedule and visual rules for the kids.  One of my goals on the path to becoming “super” is to be more patient.  That’s where the visuals come in.  Jake and Jorja have become very fond of schedules and lists (not unlike their mother).  And, most importantly…they work!!  I do a lot less nagging when Jake is getting ready for school and during dinner.


Today we made “Flaarp” otherwise known as “Gooey Gunk”…a fun alternative to play dough. It was a great way to work on math skills, science with some good old fashioned sensory time!!  Jagger tends to be a little sensitive when it comes to anything weird on his hands. We used the following recipe:

Solution A:
1 cup water
1 cup white glue (Elmers works best)
food colouring

Mix all the ingredients for solution a into a bowl and stir well.

Solution B:
1 1/3 cup warm water
4 teaspoons Borax

In a separate bowl, mix ingredients for solution b until Borax has completely dissolved.

Slowly pour solution A into solution B. DO NOT MIX! Sort of roll the combined with your hands until a solidified, loose, jelly like dough has formed. Lift the jelly like dough and place on the counter leaving the liquid in the bowl. Knead on the counter. Gunk will be very loose at first but will firm up. Store in a sealed container.

I also found the visuals I used with  kids the help them follow directions when I worked as a school-based occupational therapist.

Jagger works on bilateral motor coordination.

Jorja uses her visual to find the right size measuring cup.

Jorja tests out the final product.

I'm pretty sure that right about now, Jagger is wishing his mom is not an occupational therapist!

Having fun with the final product.

Meanwhile,  my littlest princess sleeps amidst all the sensory fun!

Project Super Mommy

My purpose for this blog is to utilize the Law of Attraction to acheive my desire to be a full-time stay-at-home mom.  Not just a stay-at-home mom, but a supermom and a superwife.  According to the Law of Attraction, the more you think about and act out what you want, it will happen in your life.  My goal is to immerse myself in the things that I want for at least the next five years (until Jemma goes off to school) and not think about having to return to work.  I want to make my maternity leave as long as possible and hope that somehow I can make my family my ONLY focus. At the very least, I will cherish every moment I have with my children for as long as I can.


Today is Jemma’s 2-week birthday!!  I feel like time is just flying by.

I’m still working out the kinks of being a mother of four, but our morning routine is pretty well set (at least until Jemma becomes more alert and requires more one-on-one attention.  We start off the morning with getting Jake up for school.  He follows his schedule and is independent with getting ready in the mornings.  I’m so glad he still enjoys going to school.  Poor guy has had a rough year.  Not in the sense that he is doing poorly in Kindergarten…just the opposite–my little genius is getting swept under the rug because the teachers don’t know how to challenge him. Even I don’t know how to challenge him…in fact, he is the one who challenges me with all the questions!

Jorja and Jagger worked on cutting skills today.  My little guy got the spring-open scissors and enjoyed cutting straws.  He giggled every time they flew into the air after each snip.  Jorja is a little more advanced.  She is doing such a great job with cutting out shapes, but she much preferred to snip the straws with Jagger…which led to a ton of straw bits on the floor!

Anyone who knows me, knows I hate to waste anything (even straw bits), so we made bracelets out of the bits and some pipe cleaner.  It was a great activity to work on fine motor coordination, dexterity and visual motor skills.  In addition, it was a great way to practice counting and identifying colors with Jagger and I used the activity to work on comparing measurements with Jorja (like which of these pieces is bigger).

This was such a great day. Hopefully, I will get a little more organized and be able to plan my activities for the whole week.  So far, I’m thinking “FLARP” will be a great activity for tomorrow!

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