And I thought THREE was a crowd…

MAY 20, 2010

Whew!  It’s amazing what having one more kid home will do for the mix.  Jake doesn’t have Kindergarten on Friday’s and this is the first Friday since I have been home that I had all four kids all by myself.  The day actually started off too good to be true.  Jemma slept five hours straight through the night, I woke up feeling refreshed, each kid ate breakfast without a single complaint, Jake and Jorja finished their morning routine independently and Jagger woke up as happy as a kitten with a freshly scooped box of litter. And then it happened…Jagger needed to pee right in the middle of Jemma’s feeding, and then while I was getting Jagger to the bathroom, Jake decided to shake Jorja, who started to cry, which startled Jagger, who peed all over the floor, then I freaked out at Jake, which made Jemma cry.  At one point, I don’t think there was a single calm individual in this house.  But as quickly as all the drama started, it stopped.  Jemma calmed down when I came back with her bottle, Jagger and his empty bladder snuggled up next to me (thumb in mouth, my shirt in the other hand), Jorja found a Barbie she had been looking for and I let Jake play some Nintendo DS.  And mommy took the deepest breath of her life.  We had a couple more rough spots during Project of the Day, but it was nothing that a stern look or binkie couldn’t handle and we all ended up having great fun!


Today, we made our own play dough.  I found a great recipe on this website:

Traditional PlayDough Recipe

2 cups of baking soda
1 and a half cups of water
1 cup of corn starch

Mix with a fork until the mixture is smooth and boil until thick. Takes about 4 minutes.

Jagger is becoming a pro at pouring things!

Immediately after this picture was taken, Jorja decided it would be fun to lick the baking soda. Still oral sensory seeking, eh Jorja?

Jake stirring up something OTHER than Jorja's temper!!

Meanwhile, Jemma’s adventure consisted of being snuggled in tight to mommy with a home-made wrap.

The kids told me the cooked play dough looked like mashed potatoes, so we added some food coloring to each of their sections.

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